
Privacy Policy

In accordance with Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 ( click here to consult the legislation directly from the Italian parliament's website ), regarding the processing of personal data, we inform you that your personal data form or will be the subject of processing by the Owner pursuant to art. 13 of the Privacy Code for the purposes and in the manner indicated below:

Category of data

Personal data is defined as any information that allows the identification of the natural, legal, corporate body or association to which the personal data refers. A sensitive datum is defined as the personal data suitable for revealing racial and ethnic origin, religious convictions, state of health, political opinions or membership in parties or trade unions. The judicial act is defined as the personal data suitable to reveal the existence of judicial measures registered in the criminal record and the related pending charges and / or the status of defendant or suspect under the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Mandatory or optional nature of data processing

Some data are necessary for the establishment and execution of the contractual relationship, others may be optional for these purposes. Therefore, the provision of data to the data controller is necessary and obligatory in relation to the data for which a legal or contractual obligation is required.

Purpose of the processing

connected to obligations deriving from laws, regulations, community legislation or for purposes strictly connected and instrumental to the establishment and management of the pre contractual and contractual relationship with the interested party;

  • connected and instrumental to the activity of the Owner in relation to services and products requested by the interested party;
  • connected to the management of relations with the interested party and concerning the administration, accounting, orders, shipments, billing, etc;
  • connected to activities and promotional and customer care;
  • connected to the management of any dispute.

Treatment modalities

The processing of personal data takes place by means of paper, computerized and telematic manual systems according to the criteria of security and confidentiality of the data required by law, regulations and internal company provisions.

Place of processing

Personal data is processed at the registered office of the Company Maione srl, via Antiniana 53 - 80078 Pozzuoli (Na), VAT number 05902300630 tel: +39 081 5708497

Category of subjects to whom personal data can be communicated or who can learn about them

The subjects to whom the data can be communicated or who can learn about them for the indicated processing purposes carry out on behalf of the Owner tasks of a technical or organizational nature or necessary to perform obligations deriving from the law by regulations or to fulfill, before and after the conclusion of the contract to specific requests of the interested party. These parties may act as appointees or Data Processing Managers or as separate and independent Data Controllers. The subjects to whom personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them are:

  • tax authorities, judiciary, law enforcement agencies, accounting firms or auditors;
  • companies or public bodies, credit institutions;
  • company employees, companies or freelancers who provide consulting services to the owner (eg lawyers, accountants, etc.), the owner's suppliers.
  • Companies that perform enveloping, sorting and sending communications to the interested party.

Rights of the interested party

Article. 7 Privacy Code also confers on the interested party:

  • know the purposes and methods of processing;
  • obtain the cancellation, updating, correction or integration of data.

Data controller

The data controller is Maione srl

Data Processor

The data processor is Maione srl

Consultation, modifications and cancellation

To consult, modify, or delete your data, you can write to:

Privacy Policy

In accordance with Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 ( click here to consult the legislation directly from the Italian parliament's website ), regarding the processing of personal data, we inform you that your personal data form or will be the subject of processing by the Owner pursuant to art. 13 of the Privacy Code for the purposes and in the manner indicated below:

Category of data

Personal data is defined as any information that allows the identification of the natural, legal, corporate body or association to which the personal data refers. A sensitive datum is defined as the personal data suitable for revealing racial and ethnic origin, religious convictions, state of health, political opinions or membership in parties or trade unions. The judicial act is defined as the personal data suitable to reveal the existence of judicial measures registered in the criminal record and the related pending charges and / or the status of defendant or suspect under the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Mandatory or optional nature of data processing

Some data are necessary for the establishment and execution of the contractual relationship, others may be optional for these purposes. Therefore, the provision of data to the data controller is necessary and obligatory in relation to the data for which a legal or contractual obligation is required.

Purpose of the processing

connected to obligations deriving from laws, regulations, community legislation or for purposes strictly connected and instrumental to the establishment and management of the pre contractual and contractual relationship with the interested party;

  • connected and instrumental to the activity of the Owner in relation to services and products requested by the interested party;
  • connected to the management of relations with the interested party and concerning the administration, accounting, orders, shipments, billing, etc;
  • connected to activities and promotional and customer care;
  • connected to the management of any dispute.

Treatment modalities

The processing of personal data takes place by means of paper, computerized and telematic manual systems according to the criteria of security and confidentiality of the data required by law, regulations and internal company provisions.

Place of processing

Personal data is processed at the registered office of the Company Maione srl, via Antiniana 53 - 80078 Pozzuoli (Na), VAT number 05902300630 tel: +39 081 5708497

Category of subjects to whom personal data can be communicated or who can learn about them

The subjects to whom the data can be communicated or who can learn about them for the indicated processing purposes carry out on behalf of the Owner tasks of a technical or organizational nature or necessary to perform obligations deriving from the law by regulations or to fulfill, before and after the conclusion of the contract to specific requests of the interested party. These parties may act as appointees or Data Processing Managers or as separate and independent Data Controllers. The subjects to whom personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them are:

  • tax authorities, judiciary, law enforcement agencies, accounting firms or auditors;
  • companies or public bodies, credit institutions;
  • company employees, companies or freelancers who provide consulting services to the owner (eg lawyers, accountants, etc.), the owner's suppliers.
  • Companies that perform enveloping, sorting and sending communications to the interested party.

Rights of the interested party

Article. 7 Privacy Code also confers on the interested party:

  • know the purposes and methods of processing;
  • obtain the cancellation, updating, correction or integration of data.

Data controller

The data controller is Maione srl

Data Processor

The data processor is Maione srl

Consultation, modifications and cancellation

To consult, modify, or delete your data, you can write to: